Who to Approach When Parenting Help is Needed

marriage_psych2It’s wrong to think that clinical psychologists only help people with mental health problems. Helping people cope up with life issues including marriage counseling and parenting help are among their field of practice. Industrial psychologists on the other hand are involved in helping those in the workforce as well as conducting tests and evaluation and other industrial behavioral concerns. When a patient is dealing with a mental health condition, a clinical psychologist has the clinical education and training to treat patients by using clinical techniques based on available research as well as taking in consideration patients’ characteristics, behavior, and circumstances.

Anxiety and depression

A patient dealing with depression or anxiety may consult a clinical psychologist. Anxiety and depression are two common behavioral and mental conditions affecting people. However, not all people dealing with depression or anxiety may need to talk and see a psychologist in Sydney. It is only when patient’s normal life or physical health is being interfered by repeating bouts of depression that a patient has the need. Conditions like loss of job, grieving the death of a loved one, separation, and alienation can cause depression. In these circumstances, clinical psychologists offer counseling services and may or may not give prescription drugs. A child who’s manifesting depression signs and symptoms because of separation from one parent and his feeling/behavior  is overwhelmed by the circumstances receives counseling help and may be subjected to clinical techniques used in addressing depression caused by separation. Parenting help based on the child’s circumstances also becomes part of the clinical treatment.

Addiction and abuse

There are several forms of addictions. People may abuse prescription drugs like painkillers, alcohol, and prohibited and regulated drugs. When addiction is interfering in patient’s normal life and he started behaving differently from how he used to be, seeing a clinical psychologist can help bring the patient back to his normal life. Counseling is given and some prescription to help patients cope up with withdrawal symptoms. Treatment is usually based on a long term basis and parents dealing with members of the family with addiction problems are also given parenting help. This is to help them cope up with the issues and be part of the treatment as support group. In condition, addiction is treated, relapse may happen. Clinical psychologists offer relapse related services to help people in post-addiction circumstances overcome urges of returning to their addiction. A schema therapist in Sydney may be consulted for this type of clinical and psychological intervention as they’re trained and experienced in dealing with relapse.

Mental health is as vital as physical health, and when in any circumstance, your mental health is at risk, a clinical psychologist can help.

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